For participants of the Leadership Challenge workshop, here are some tips to help you model the behaviours which you have learned during the workshop. Remember, behavior that is modeled becomes the behavior that is followed.
Please review today’s two LPI focus behaviors. Choose one behavior to focus on today and save the other for next Monday, or take on a more challenging assignment and focus on both today.
Complete the associated activities that follow:
LPI ITEM #1: I set a personal example of what I expect of others.
LPI ITEM #11: I follow through on the promises and commitments I make.
Credible leaders must fully comprehend the deeply held beliefs that drive them and be able to communicate these values in unique and authentic ways. Focus today on setting a personal example and/or following through on commitments. Answer the following questions at the end of the day.
1: How did you demonstrate one of your key values today?
2: What actions may have demonstrated a value you don’t hold and might not want others to emulate?
3: How did you practice follow through using DWYSYWD?
4: What steps did you take to fulfill any promises made?
Activity Instructions: At the end of the day, rate yourself on one or both of the LPI focus behaviors of the day. Rate your performance for the day on a scale from 1 to 10 and explain why you gave yourself this rating on one or both of these behaviors.
LPI ITEM #1: I set a personal example of what I expect of others.
Rating: _______
LPI ITEM #11: I follow through on the promises and commitments I make.
Rating: _______
Source: The Leadership Challenge Practice Book